Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Week #4, Thing #8 - RSS

I had heard about RSS before but didn't really understand what it was. I was always a little timid to click on the "subscribe" button next to an RSS tab for fear I would be innundated with junk email. Now, having explored with bloglines and after setting up my own RSS aggregator, I can see the value in them as I can stay current on topics I care about. I set up feeds for iTunes, Librarian's Internet Index, Reader's Club and Unshelved. In a perfect world where school districts didn't filter and block bloglines, this service could be of value to students by having them set up feeds for topics they may be researching. I spent quite a few hours trying to figure out how to put an RSS subscripiton button on my blog page but it just didn't work. I swear I was doing everyhing the instrtuctions told me to. I'm disappointed that I couldn't figure this out. I am going to have to revisted this "Thing."

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