Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week #9, Thing #21 - Podcasting

I think I was the last person on earth to own an iPod. I got one as a gift a few months ago and it was worth the wait...I got an iTouch!! I absolutely love it but had not spent adequate time getting to know all of its features. This exercise motivated me to really experience the iTouch's full potential. I digressed a bit (like a whole day) from the assignment and I spent a lot of time on iTunes downloading songs from my CDs and from the iTunes site and making playlists. I listened to a lot of podcasts, subscribed to some of them and downloaded some to my iTouch. I go to the gym almost everyday and like to listen to my iTouch as I am sweating away. I downloaded podcasts (and subscribed to RSS feeds) about excerising and getting fit which I can listen to while working out...a little extra encouragement.

Two important things I learned from this exercise is that you don't need an iPod to listen to podcasts and that there are many podcast directory and finding tools from which to choose.

I read the instructions on how to record a podcast and would like to try doing that someday when I have the right equipment and something important to say!

I have included a podcast made by a library science graduate student on the importance of having students make wikis in their classes. She makes some good arguements that could be used to convince school personnel to unblock wiki making sites.

Media Literacy

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