Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Zoho Blog

Week #8 - Thing #18 - Online Apps

Online applications such as Zoho or Google docs just might be the best "thing" I have learned in library 2.0 (but there have been so many it would be hard to choose)! How does anyone stay on top of all the tools available? I played with Zoho and am so excited about it I can't wait to tell my staff. Being fearful that everyone else has heard about these tools and have been using them already, I asked five teachers if they knew about them. They hadn't and are very excited about learning more. There are so many ways in which to use these tools. Students and teachers can type documents at home and open them up at school without having to email it or save it to disk. It won't matter in what program the document was created. We often have problems with students creating a document on a computer that has Word 2007 and later trying unsuccessfully to open it on a computer that has Word 2003. Other applications would be to use it for collaborating on projects, meeting agendas, and drafting proposals with other users.

kiss I like the toolbar in Zoho. It has just about everything and is easy to use. The other applications on Zoho (spreadsheets, meetings,presentations) were also easy to use.

I created the paragraphs above in Zoho and sent it to my blog from the Zoho site. WooHoo!!! That was fun! I'm turning into a techy!!!

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